今日は干し柿作りの日!🍅🌞🍂 楽しいね〜 Today is dried persimmon making day!🍅🌞🍂 It's interesting~
今日は干し柿づくり🍂🍁に挑戦しました!Today we tried making dried persimmons🍂🍁!
利用者様にもお手伝い頂きました。Disabled users of the facility also helped with the work.
We peeled it!
We tied with string to drying it!
ピーラーを使いこなして皆さん一生懸命作ってくれました👍👍Everyone worked hard to make this using a peeler👍👍
干す前に1度柿を殺菌の為湯通しをしました。Before drying, I sterilized the persimmons in boiling water.
On this particular occasion, we started a fire in the fireplace in the courtyard and boiled water for the dried persimmons.
お母さんヤギもこの作業を心配そうに見ています🤣The mother goat is also watching this work with concern
完壁な仕上がりです✌💪✨Perfect finish✌💪✨
干し柿ってやっぱり日本の良き風景ですよね☺️Dried persimmons are definitely one of the beautiful landscapes of Japan☺️
Until it's finished, Goat-san will be watching over you, not just a guard dog 🐶but a guard goat!🐐🐐